Here is information about types of links:
You can create a link right within a post, but perhaps the best place for a link is in the sidebar of your blog because it will stay there until you decide to move it. Links in the sidebar are Gadgets and there are a few different Gadgets to use to create them. Step-by-step directions for creating these types of links can be found in the sidebar of this blog.
The Text Gadget simply provides you with a place in the sidebar to post text. Within the text gadget you will find a symbol to create a link at the top of the screen. Just highlight the text you want to link, paste the web address in the box that appears, and Save.
The Picture Gadget lets you create a visual link in the sidebar, like I have done on this blog. You can upload an image, then use the link box to type in the web address. When visitors click on the picture, they will jump to the designated web address.
The Links List Gadget is the Blogger tool designed to create links, but after much experience using this particular gadget with teachers, I can tell you that it tends to cause confusion. My advice is to skip this gadget and simplify your blogging by using the Text Box or Pictures Gadget.