Reasons to allow comments:
- Visitors to your blog probably expect to have the opportunity to provide you with feedback.
- It can be enlightening to receive a comment. That way you know someone out there is reading your blog, and people often leave good and useful suggestions.
- Parents viewing your blog can quickly respond to something they've just read and that keeps the communication flowing. If you would prefer to communicate with parents privately, you can say so in the comments message box, and move the conversation to the privacy of email, then just reject the comment and email the parent instead.
- Opportunities for students to express themselves through blog comments are exciting and provide teachers with all kinds of "teachable moments" to help students fine-tune their writing skills. Students love writing for an audience and they are motivated to publish something worth reading.
- Teach students about Internet-safety by asking them to comment.
Click the comments link below to view some suggested guidelines for students and to see how commenting works..
Step-by-step directions are available "Handouts" in the sidebar of this blog.