Publish Handouts: Google Docs

GoogleDocs offers an easy way to publish handouts on your blog. You are sure to appreciate the ease of using GoogleDocs instead!

A word of caution about publishing handouts: Please be careful about what you publish on the Internet. You can publish any original work you create, or the work of others with permission, but you can't just publish other people's work. If you want to direct your readers to a file that someone else has posted on the web, all you have to do is create a link to it, but please do not download someone else's file and upload it to GoogleDocs for publishing; that's not legal. If you purchased a workbook and you want to post a page from it online, forget about it. Most likely you purchased the rights to share the contents of the book with your students, but not to share the contents with the world.  The same is true with textbook materials; they can't be shared with the world.

Keeping the copyright rules in mind, I strongly encourage you to try publishing a GoogleDoc you create and linking it to your blog. Parents and students will appreciate being able to locate important handouts with ease, and you can save yourself the time and trouble of all that printing.

Step-by-step directions for performing this task from start to finish, are linked in the sidebar.  Click on Looking for a Handout?